A police officer in uniform sitting in front of a microphone during a press conference with badge and insignia visible.

15 Quintana Roo Cops Linked to Crime Syndicates – Shocking Investigation

The Secretary of Citizen Security in Quintana Roo, Julio Gómez Torres, has confirmed an ongoing investigation into 15 police officers. These officers are suspected of engaging in illegal activities in connection with criminal organizations.

Gómez Torres emphasized that no potential leads are being dismissed and that the prosecutor's office is leading the investigation. "We are closely monitoring the actions of all our officers, and currently, 15 members of the SSC are under internal investigation," he said.

Gómez Torres also addressed the recent murder of Fermín Cortés, the former director of the prisons in Cancún and Chetumal. He reported that no suspects have been apprehended as of yet, and the investigation is still being carried out by the Quintana Roo Prosecutor's Office.

In an effort to enhance public safety and improve emergency response times, Gómez Torres is collaborating with authorities at all levels of government. Stay updated on this and other stories by following us on Facebook, Twitter, Threads, WhatsApp, Telegram, TikTok, Instagram, YouTube.

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