People gathered on a roadside with a few confronting each other near a fallen street barricade.

“Mega Traffic Jam: Local Communities Block Cancún to Mérida Highway!”

Residents from various communities, frustrated with authorities' lack of response to their demands for road expansion, have blocked the federal highway from Cancún to Mérida.

Using stones, pipes, and other objects, they have halted the flow of traffic.

Over 150 people from various communities have rallied together to block the highway near the Ideal community. They claim that the narrowness of the road has led to a worrying number of accidents over the years.

Raymundo Canul Chimal, a resident of Ideal, has been vocal on social media about the community's concerns. He believes that this temporary blockade is the only way to get the attention of municipal, state, or federal authorities. Despite numerous accidents and even loss of life, their requests for highway expansion have been ignored. The current highway can barely accommodate two vehicles side by side, leading to dangerous situations when larger vehicles attempt to pass.

The blockade began at eleven in the morning, with residents of Ideal and surrounding areas blocking the highway at the junction with the road to Kantunilkin, the capital of the municipality of Lázaro Cárdenas. No authority has yet arrived to negotiate with the protesters or address their demands.

Accidents have increased since the start of construction work on the Mayan train in the area. The influx of tanks, dump trucks, and personnel transport trucks from the company ICA, who are in charge of the project, has significantly increased traffic flow.

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The stretch of road from Ideal to Nuevo Xcan is particularly hazardous. Over the years, it has become increasingly narrow due to maintenance work that reduces the width of the road and the addition of layers of pavement that have deepened the sides of the road, leaving no shoulders.

The blockade has caused significant disruption, with long lines of traffic forming and tempers flaring among drivers and passengers. Some families have reported being delayed on their journeys to Cancún or Mérida.