A firefighter in full gear holding a hose and extinguishing a fire at a site with burnt debris and a smoky background

Dangerous Fire Behind Gas Station in Isla Mujeres – What Caused the Blaze?

A fire broke out on Gastón Alegre Avenue, also known as Rancho Viejo, in the La Morena neighborhood of Isla Mujeres' Continental Zone. The local fire department worked tirelessly to control the flames, which had engulfed trash, tires, and trees near Arco Norte Avenue, situated behind a gas station. The situation had the potential to turn catastrophic.

Thankfully, no injuries or fatalities have been reported so far. However, the fire did generate a significant amount of smoke, which infiltrated nearby homes and caused discomfort to residents.

Authorities are currently investigating the cause of the fire. Initial reports suggest that it may have started due to someone burning tires. Firefighters are urging the public to refrain from burning tires or undergrowth, especially in windy conditions. A single spark can cause significant damage and even potentially result in loss of life.

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