Illustration of a hand dropping a ballot into a box, representing the voting process


Residents of Campeche have claimed that the current government misled them into approving the Maya Train construction project in their area. They say they were promised a bridge as part of the deal, but instead, they claim that their land was taken without their consent.

The residents of the "Social Justice" community in Escárcega, Campeche, were promised certain provisions to ensure that the construction of Section 7 of the Maya Train would not disrupt their lives. However, they claim these promises have not been kept. One resident said, "Mr. President, López Obrador, we trusted you and Sedena to remove the corrupt companies. But if Sedena is not performing well, send capable people."


In response to the perceived deception, the residents blocked the Escárcega – Chetumal highway for several hours, demanding that their concerns be addressed. They explained that they were shown a project plan that included a 600-meter bridge. This bridge was meant to ensure that the Maya Train construction would not disrupt their daily commute. However, they claim that the bridge has not been built due to lack of resources.

The residents also claim that more of their land is being taken than they were paid for. They are calling for increased oversight, particularly of Sedena, who they accuse of taking more land than they are entitled to and deforesting areas beyond what was bought from the Social Justice landowners.

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After a 12-hour blockade, representatives from Sedena and Fonatur promised to build the bridge, respect land boundaries, and provide notice of any detonations. The residents are hopeful that these promises will be fulfilled within the next five months, before the end of the current federal government's term.