A large group of individuals wearing red marching on the street with a banner, demonstrating for workers' solidarity and unity.

Solidaridad Workers Stand Firm in Strike Battle

Workers from the Solidaridad Municipality Union are maintaining their strike against the Solidaridad government. The strike is in response to several failed attempts to legalize a collective labor dispute. Irene Torres de la Cruz, the union leader, stated that despite legal hurdles, the union remains committed to their strike. This is due to disparities in working conditions when compared to another union, the Single Union of Workers at the Service of the Municipality of Solidaridad.

"We continue to strike, standing firm in our resolution. We want to ensure that we achieve the same conditions as the other union," said Torres de la Cruz. She made these comments on Labor Day, May 1st, when the union presented their labor demands, focusing on the right to union organization.

Since early April, the Single Union of Workers at the Service of the Municipality of Solidaridad has been trying to dissolve the registration of the Solidaridad Municipality Workers' Union, with whom they share representation of municipal workers. According to available records, the first union filed a protective appeal against a trial that was not in their favor, seeking to annul the other union's registration.

In simpler terms, this union is attempting to dissolve the registration of the Union of Workers of the Municipality of Solidaridad, which last October called a strike due to a refusal to harmonize a collective labor contract. In response, the Single Union of Workers at the Service of the Municipality of Solidaridad filed a lawsuit with the Quintana Roo Conciliation and Arbitration Tribunal. After being refused, they filed a direct appeal with the Second Collegiate Circuit Court in Cancun, as per file 113/2024. However, the court rejected the case.

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Irene Torres de la Cruz stated that these resolutions are still pending, but they remain hopeful that they will win and achieve their labor goals.