Tourists gathering near a colorful signpost with various tour options in a tropical location, with scooters and a golf cart visible.

“Smart Strategy: Tulum Tour Guides’ Income Boost in Low Season!”

During the low season at the Tulum Archaeological Zone, tour guides have developed a strategy to ensure that all members continue to earn income. Julio César Villagómez Villalobos, the general secretary of the Tulum Guides Union, shared that due to the drop in visitor numbers during this period, they have introduced a rotation system among the 34 union members.

Villagómez Villalobos explained that approximately one third of the guides take a day off daily, allowing the rest to conduct one or two tours a day. This ensures that everyone has the opportunity to maintain their income.

He further clarified that, despite the decrease in tourist numbers during the low season, they still receive between three and four thousand visitors daily.

However, Villagómez Villalobos pointed out that many of these tourists come via travel agencies, which can make it challenging for local guides to be hired directly for their services.

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