“Shocking Report: 93% of Polling Stations in Quintana Roo Face High Risk of Violence”

A map showing electoral risk percentages in various states of Mexico, with highlighted areas in pink on a gray background.

The Force and Heart for Mexico coalition, consisting of PRI, PAN PRD, has released a risk map for the 2024 election. The map reveals a potential for violent incidents at polling stations across all 32 entities in the country on June 2nd. In some areas, the risk extends to 93% of the territory.

The map was created in collaboration with the three parties and is based on an analysis of past instances of electoral violence. The goal is to identify areas where violence may potentially recur. The document indicates that 29.12% of the country's electoral sections are at "high and medium risk".

According to the National Electoral Institute (INE), there are 70,753 electoral sections in the country, each containing between 100 and 3,000 voters. It is expected that 170,000 polling stations will be installed across these sections, with 50,000 of them identified as having a risk of violence.

The report details a high incidence of violence in 14,119 sections and a medium incidence in 6,297 sections. It also reveals that 93% of the districts in Quintana Roo are at risk of violence. This is followed by Tabasco at 85%, Guerrero at 83%, Zacatecas at 79%, Mexico City and Veracruz both at 55%, Morelos at 52%, and Sonora at 51%.

The coalition has submitted the document to the electoral authorities. The goal is to alert them to the potential risks, in hopes of preventing the recurrence of violence seen in past elections. They are calling on authorities to ensure that the June 2nd elections are conducted peacefully, allowing citizens to vote freely and authentically.

To date, there have been 35 candidates murdered, 129 victims of violence, 72 threats, and 26 firearm assaults among other incidents. The coalition views this report as an "early and timely warning" for the State to guarantee safe and secret voting.

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