“Empowering Single Mothers: CAMSY’s Inspiring Journey in Yucatan”

Sometimes, the promises we make to ourselves can become powerful motivators, pushing us towards achieving extraordinary feats. This was indeed the case for Reina Osorio. In 2009, her personal promise led her to establish the Support Center for Single Mothers of Yucatan (CAMSY), an organization that has since become a beacon of hope and empowerment for hundreds of women and their children.

Reina's journey to create CAMSY was not an easy one. In 2003, she found herself suddenly jobless, a single mother of three, and the sole provider for her family. Despite these challenges, she found the strength to keep her family afloat and fulfill a promise to herself: if she could navigate these tough times, she would help other women facing similar circumstances. This promise planted the seed for CAMSY, an organization that has grown over the past 15 years, transforming lives and providing various forms of support to single mothers in Yucatan.

Today, CAMSY offers a range of programs and services tailored to meet the holistic needs of these families. Initiatives such as "Dressing an Angel," "If We All Join Together, We Carry More Plates," and "Sponsor a Child with the Toy of their Dreams" exemplify CAMSY's unwavering dedication to the overall wellbeing of single mothers and their children.

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"Dressing an Angel" focuses on collecting baby clothes and essential items for expectant mothers, ensuring they and their future children have everything needed for a healthy start. "If We All Join Together, We Carry More Plates" was born out of the pandemic as a direct response to the increased need for food. The program currently provides food rations to the most needy families, particularly those without employment. "Sponsor a Child with the Toy of their Dreams" embodies CAMSY's commitment to creating moments of joy and hope for children in vulnerable situations. Each Christmas, the organization invites children to write a letter detailing their dream toy and then seeks sponsors through social media to make these dreams a reality.

This program goes beyond just providing gifts. It fosters empathy, gratitude, and a spirit of mutual aid, teaching children to appreciate what they have and share with those who may face similar challenges in the future. CAMSY's support is not just immediate but also focuses on the long-term empowerment of single mothers. Through entrepreneurship workshops, the organization equips these women with the tools to build a prosperous and successful future for themselves and their children.

Emotional wellbeing, especially for young people, is a crucial pillar of CAMSY's work. With Reina's son serving as the organization's psychologist, CAMSY offers psychological therapies and is developing a dedicated space for emotional health, recognizing the importance of mental health care for its beneficiaries.

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In 2019, CAMSY reached another significant milestone with the opening of the Casa del Día del Niño Yucateco in San Antonio Xluch. This center provides academic, psychological, and nutritional support for children aged 6 to 12 years, bolstering the education and wellbeing of future generations.

If you're interested in supporting CAMSY's work, the organization welcomes donations of all kinds and offers volunteer opportunities at the Casa del Día del Niño Yucateco facility.