A uniformed person with a tactical vest and firearm stands next to a voting booth with a sign reading 'EL VOTO ES LIBRE Y SECRETO' indicating a secure and secret vote administered by the INE.

Crisis in Yucatán: 8 Candidates Seek Security Amid Threats

In Yucatán, eight political candidates have sought protection due to perceived threats to their safety. This information comes from the Electoral Institute and Citizen Participation (Iepac).

During the current campaign period, these candidates have expressed concerns about their security. The presiding councilor, Moisés Bates Aguilar, has confirmed this. He stated that they are working closely with the Secretary of Public Security (SSP) to ensure immediate action upon receiving such requests.

The process involves promptly informing the SSP through electronic means or via cell phone while the official documentation is being prepared.

The candidates seeking protection are running for mayor in various locations. These include Telchac Puerto, Mama, Tekantó, Halacho, and Abalá. Additionally, a candidate from the Morena-PT-PVEM coalition for district 8 has also sought protection.

The councilor further noted that the candidates have faced numerous issues. These range from threats on social media to public accusations at meetings, and even intimidation via third parties.

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