
Fake COVID Tests Are Uncovered in Quintana Roo

20% of the SARs-COV2 tests issued by laboratories in the country are false.

Through a collaboration and interoperability agreement between the Quintana Roo Institute of Innovation and Technology (IQIT) and, it will now be possible for anyone to verify the certificate of a COVID-19 test, by means of a QR code. According to Marco Bravo Fabian, head of the Quintana Roo Institute of Innovation and Technology (IQIT), this QR code may be used without sending any of your personal data to the cloud, thereby avoiding the potential for misuse.


Daniel Francisco Uribe Benitez, CEO of , explained that through this technology can be verified that any COVID test certificate issued is actually from a reliable laboratory, registered with COFEPRIS, and offers validity at an international level.

Daniel Uribe, declared that according to the data provided by the Mexican Council of Medical Diagnostic Companies (COMED), 20% of the SARs-COV2 tests issued by laboratories in the country are false.

He emphasized that the clinical analysis laboratories located in Quintana Roo will now have to certify the test results through Avalanche, an open source platform.

The signing of the agreement was carried out between the Quintana Roo Institute of Innovation and Technology, represented by the general director Lic. Marco Antonio Bravo Fabian, and, represented by the CEO Ing. Daniel Uribe, with Lic. Edmundo Ortiz Romero, president of the Council of Entrepreneurs in Technology, Innovation and Communications (CETIC) Quintana Roo and Fernanda Galván, secretary of the AC (CETIC) participating as witnesses.

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Source: CancunMio