“Stay Safe This Rainy Season: How to Prevent Cholera, Dengue, Malaria & More!”

A styrofoam cup littered among green grasses and still water reflecting the surroundings

The rainy season, while essential for agricultural productivity and replenishing water sources, also brings with it the risk of diseases like cholera, hepatitis A, malaria, zika, dengue, and chikungunya. To protect against these diseases, it's crucial to maintain good hygiene practices at home.

Simple actions like cleaning rooftops and backyards, checking and cleaning water storage tanks, and disinfecting fruits and vegetables can help prevent these diseases. Cholera, for instance, is caused by a bacterium called vibrio cholerae. This bacterium is present all year round but becomes more prevalent during the rainy season due to an increase in the zooplankton that it feeds on. This bacterium can transfer from contaminated water systems to humans, especially if vegetables and greens irrigated with this water are not properly disinfected, leading to diarrheal diseases.

Mosquito-borne diseases like dengue, chikungunya, and zika are also a concern during the rainy season. Mosquitoes lay their larvae in water containers, so it's advisable to regularly clean and discard any accumulated junk or pots in rooftops and backyards where these insects might breed.

Furthermore, torrential rains can lead to river overflows and sewage spills, which can contaminate homes. This contaminated water is not pure rainwater, but rather polluted by sewers, and can potentially lead to hepatitis A, a virus found in fecal matter.

As the rainy season begins, it's important to stress the need for maintaining good hygiene practices at home. This can help prevent a range of serious, potentially fatal diseases, including cholera.

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