mayan train station rendering

3,286 Homes Lie in the Path of the Mayan Train Route

FONATUR is currently in negotiations with 250 families that currently live within the right of way. So far, 70 have accepted relocation terms.

Although the National Fund for the Promotion of Tourism (FONATUR) has reached agreements with around 250 families that live within the right of way where the Mayan Train is to be built, there are a total of 3,286 homes in the path of one of the most important infrastructure projects in the region for the current administration.

mayan train station rendering

Kalycho Escoffié, legal advisor to the residents at risk of being removed, affirmed that the relocation violates the right to housing and others human rights such as the right to work, territory and identity. Residents in the state of Campeche have initiated four amparo lawsuits in Campeche City and Candelaria which will hold up until 2022.

FONATUR identified 2,294 properties with 3,286 homes in the areas of Campeche, Cancún, Candelaria, China, Escárcega, Mérida, Palenque, Playa del Carmen, Puerto Morelos, Tenosique, Calkiní and Benito Juárez, which must all be relocated because they are located within the right of way of the new high speed train.

In three historic neighborhoods in the city of Campeche, Santa Lucía, La Ermita and Camino Real, the agency stated that there are around 70 people who have accepted the relocation of more than 300 houses and businesses that must be removed, according to reports.

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The agency estimates that this year they will relocate 1,314 homes that are located 20 meters or less from each side of the railroad. Another 1,972 will be moved in 2022. At the same time, FONATUR plans to buy land or build almost 3,000 homes to accommodate the moves.

Source: Real Estate Market & Lifestyle