A man in white clothing and a white hat dances with a smiling woman in a traditional colorful outfit at the Feria del Cedral in Cozumel, with illuminated text in the background and a night view of the cityscape.

Unveiling Cozumel’s Cedral Festival 2024: Must-See Dates & Activities

The 176th anniversary of the pilgrimage of the 21 founding families of Cedral is set to be celebrated in Cozumel, the newly designated magic town of Quintana Roo. Known for its rich culture, identity, and tradition, Cozumel will host a series of events to commemorate this significant occasion.

The official program of activities was announced on Monday afternoon, along with the unveiling of the "Cedral 2024" poster at the communal house facilities. The festival, in honor of the Holy Cross of Sabán, will commence on April 28 and conclude on May 3. It is expected to draw a large crowd, including the Cedral community, Cozumel families, and tourists. The festival has been declared an Intangible Cultural Heritage of the State of Quintana Roo.

The event was launched with a regional dance presentation by the children's jaraneros groups of Culture, titled "Jicaritas" and "I am from Cedral". Municipal authorities, the president of the Communal Commission of Cozumel, Óscar Pinto Silva, and the Senior Stickman Eligio Cárdenas Montero, unveiled the official poster of the El Cedral 2024 Festivities and presented the program of activities.

The festivities will kick off on April 28 with the first novena and a Catholic mass, followed by the coronation of this year's queen, Jeovana Basto Cauich, the godmother of Cedral 2024, Rocío Aguilar Cárdenas, and the most beautiful flower of the ejido, Citlally Orozco Castañeda, the queen of the riders 2024, Mariana Villanueva Achach. The day will conclude with the inaugural declaration protocol and ribbon cutting.

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On April 29, religious activities will continue. On April 30, after the novena, a family rally titled "United by Tradition" will take place, followed by a Children's Day festival featuring the children's show "Boomkidz".

May 1 will begin with Catholic activities. In the evening, the “Alacranes Musical” group will perform at the main palapa, and a regional comedy show by “Ruperta Pérez Sosa” will take place at the fairgrounds.

On May 2, religious activities will continue. In the evening, the dance at the main palapa will be enlivened by Tony Graniel "The Dragon of the Caribbean", and the “Kumbia Kings” group will perform at the fairgrounds.

The festival will conclude on May 3, starting with the Catholic novena. At noon, offerings and dances will be carried out in honor of the Holy Cross of Sabán with the dance group "Yolotlehuaco". The traditional Pig's Head Dance will be performed at 6:00 pm, followed by the closing protocol. In the evening, the “Mojado” group and the “Banda Corona Verde” will perform at the fairgrounds, bringing this traditional celebration to a grand close.