Cozumel Bird-Watching Event for World Migratory Bird Day

Two piping plovers walking on a sandy beach side by side with their shadows visible on the ground.

Cozumel's Sub-Directorate of Ecology recently hosted a successful bird-watching event at Urbano Corazón Park. This event was part of the celebrations for World Migratory Bird Day and Global Big Day (GBD), also known as the World Bird Count.

Noel Rivas, the deputy director of Ecology and a biologist, explained that World Migratory Bird Day is an international campaign. Its purpose is to promote the conservation of migratory birds and to raise awareness about the challenges these birds face during their cross-border migrations.

During the bird-watching tour, participants spotted a variety of species, including the honey warbler, black-throated hummingbird, worm-eating warbler, and white-eyed vireo. In total, they recorded 14 species of resident and migratory birds.

The Global Big Day is coordinated by Cornell University's Bird Laboratory. It is the largest simultaneous bird recording event worldwide, taking place on a single day. Internationally, observer teams document the species they spot on different routes. The results are then published on the open-access eBird platform.

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