Shocking Scene: Electricity Pole Splits and Falls in Akumal

Utility pole transformer sparks over a thatched roof, causing a shower of sparks while a utility worker operates a cherry picker nearby.

Several businesses in Akumal's tourist district were impacted when a concrete electricity pole from the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) broke in half and toppled onto a nearby roof, causing further damage to neighboring properties. CFE personnel have attributed the incident to strong winds.

Concerned locals are calling for immediate action from the CFE. "We've been reporting this dangerous pole for over a year, and it's now fallen onto a house with its transformer still attached. There was no response to our previous complaints," one resident stated.

According to public reports, the pole fell across multiple businesses, causing tourists in the vicinity to flee. There is a pressing need for action as many other poles along the Yalku road are reportedly in even worse condition.

The incident took place on Tuesday afternoon, near the OXXO store located towards the beachfront. Thankfully, no injuries were reported when the pole collapsed.

Local tourism workers have highlighted that many of the area's electricity poles are over 40 years old and show signs of significant structural damage due to age. They warn that these poles could potentially collapse under their own weight if left unattended.

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