Empowering Communities: The Rise of ‘All Included’ Tourism

An aerial snapshot displaying a series of interconnected ponds and waterways surrounded by dense tropical vegetation, indicative of wetland ecosystems.

In Solidaridad, efforts are being made to transition from the traditional “All Inclusive” tourism model to a more inclusive "All Included" model. The aim is to ensure that not only large hotels prosper, but also small entrepreneurs, craftspeople, farmers, and local producers. This way, the benefits of the tourism industry can be felt by all households.

The Tourism Director, alongside the Secretaries of Economic Development, Antón Bojórquez, and Social Justice, Deyanira Martínez, held a meeting with residents and authorities of the Uxuxubi community. At this meeting, the eco-agrotourism project, "Uxuxubi Natural", was unveiled as a means to boost the community's involvement in tourism.

The team, under the guidance of municipal president Estefanía Mercado, is engaging with all stakeholders in the tourism industry. This includes both large business owners and those offering alternative products in their communities, such as the Uxuxubi community.

The "Uxuxubi Natural" project aims to promote various ecotourism activities like birdwatching, visiting lagoons and cenotes, and primarily, cultivating and utilizing the ramón tree as a food source for various products.

Juan Carlos Cruz Morales, a community representative, presented the project and highlighted its potential not only in tourism but also in food production. The primary focus is the cultivation and utilization of the ramón tree, which is rich in proteins, amino acids, and is gluten-free. This tree is native to the area, offers high yield per hectare, and its production costs versus sales price allow for greater profit margins.

The project plans to plant 100,000 ramón trees across 1,000 hectares for the production of flour, coffee, and other products.

Antón Bojórquez, Secretary of Economic Development and Investment Attraction, reiterated that Estefanía Mercado's government is committed to promoting ventures in Solidaridad, like those led by the Uxuxubi community, which preserve traditional tastes and promote cultural and environmental conservation.

The municipal official praised the food project involving the ramón leaf. He stated, "We have reviewed the project and are eager to present it to the Municipal President. I am confident that she will find a way to support its realization."

The meeting also revealed plans for the municipal government to promote the Uxuxubi community at national and international tourist fairs to attract more visitors and increase economic activity. Additionally, training courses will be organized for local tourism service providers to ensure they deliver quality service to both domestic and international visitors.

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