Close-up of a person wearing a black cap with the slogan 'LA MICHARCHA' featuring a stylized cat illustration, with only their eyes visible below the cap's brim.

Protest Against Animal Cruelty in China & Mexico: Shocking Details Revealed

Animal rights activists have recently taken to the streets in protest against the ongoing cruelty towards cats in China. The march, known as the "Michi March", began at the Angel of Independence and ended at the National Palace. The protesters also raised awareness about animal abuse related to the Mayan Train project and the Sonora Market in Mexico.

The demonstration saw participation from various animal shelters including Guardianes Felinos México, El Señor de los Gatos, Direct Action Everywhere, and Catacumberitos. Prominent figures such as Sr. Mishi Wasi, Juanito al Rescate, and Zadrigman also attended.

Alisson Miranda, a member of Guardianes Felinos, highlighted the disturbing levels of cruelty towards cats in China. She pointed out that these animals are subjected to extreme torture for both pleasure and economic gain. The lack of animal protection laws in China was also emphasized, as it allows for such abuse to go unpunished.

The protesters demanded an end to China's complicity in these cruel acts and called for the implementation of effective animal protection laws. They chanted slogans such as "Animal abuse to the Penal Code!", "A cat is a cat, no matter the size!", and "No more, no more, no more murders!" as they marched towards the National Palace.

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Upon reaching the National Palace, the organization Amor con Manos y Patitas highlighted the negligence occurring during the construction of the Mayan Train in Mexico. They reported a lack of support for animal shelters and violence against animals in the area, including the killing of jaguars despite promises to protect wildlife during the project's construction.

The protesters also called for the closure of the Sonora Market, where animal sacrifices for Santeria practices have been reported. They encouraged the creation of businesses that support animal welfare and collected 10,000 signatures to present to the United States embassy and the president of China, in a bid to implement laws against animal abuse.

Juanito al Rescate, one of the participants, spoke out against Santeria practices, stating, "It is not fair that they are sacrificing animals to charge people. Animals are being sacrificed to appeal to a god, and that is not fair!"

The march concluded with a call to action, urging people to become aware of the implications of animal abuse.