A busy beach scene with multiple people standing or walking on the sand, a woman sitting on a chair, and seaweed washed ashore, with the ocean and city skyline in the background.

Cancun Hotels Prepare for Sargassum Onslaught

The Hotel Association of Cancun, Puerto Morelos, and Isla Mujeres (AHCPM&IM) is readying itself for the potential influx of sargassum on the region's beaches. For several months, the association has been in talks with the Naval Region representatives and has started installing anti-sargassum barriers from Puerto Morelos to Mahahual. Moreover, each hotel has a dedicated team in place to manage this phenomenon, with up to 300 staff members involved.

The association has suggested that the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi) should be more flexible when counting the population, particularly in tourist areas. This is because state resources, including those for managing the sargassum algae, are allocated based on these population figures.

The Secretary of the Navy (Semar) has announced that for this season, 22 smaller boats will be on hand to assist the "Natans" vessel in its efforts. An additional 340 personnel, including technical-scientific staff for studying the macroalgae, will also be available.

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