Shocking: Cancun Ranks 13th for Violence, Beats War Zones

A woman in a white jacket sitting in front of the Mexican flag inside an office setting

The World Population Review, a body of the United Nations, has revealed that Cancun is the 13th most violent city globally. The data, collected in 2024, shows Cancun surpassing war-torn countries like Palestine, Israel, Ukraine, and regions in the Middle East.

The study identifies several violent acts contributing to Cancun's high ranking. These include over 300 intentional homicides recorded last year, a number that international organizations predict could rise this year. Other contributing factors include conflicts between taxi operators and private services like Uber, assaults, armed attacks against civilians, store robberies, and an increase in infanticides and feminicides.

Despite these alarming statistics, the organization reassures tourists that they are not at a particularly high risk of becoming violent crime victims. The primary targets of these crimes are, overwhelmingly, the locals. However, tourists are advised to research and exercise caution when traveling to any foreign country.

The city's escalating violence is attributed to the municipal president of Benito Juarez, Ana Patricia Peralta de la Peña's neglect. Her focus is reportedly on her gubernatorial campaign for 2027, despite her dwindling popularity.

Further exacerbating the situation, Peralta de la Peña frequently attends international events where her presence is not necessary. This behavior is seen as neglecting her primary responsibilities, leaving municipal police officers in charge. These officers have been implicated in corruption, arrogance, and nepotism, further undermining the city's security.

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