carratera-307-riviera maya

Construction on Cancun-Playa del Carmen Highway Infuriates Drivers

FONATUR representatives confirm that the congestion will continue. They estimate that the first stage of the Tren Maya will be completed within 45 days.

The construction work for the highway bypass which will run parallel to the federal highway 307 and the continuing geophysical studies being conducted in the section of the highway at kilometers 307 + 650 have caused “an enormous road chaos” say private motorists and transport companies.


According to the authorities from the National Fund for the Promotion of Tourism (FONATUR) the road work for the diversion of traffic has already begun. The area of coverage will be 23 kilometer with six interconnecting “circuits” from the area in Puerto Morelos at the junction of 307 and the “Ruta de Cenotes” to the entrance of Playa del Carmen.

Drivers complain that during rush hour, the back up can add over an hour to their drive time.

Alejandro Garcia, a hotel worker, stated that to arrive at his job at 3:00pm he has to leave home at 1:40pm. “I spend an hour in traffic and that’s on a good day. Some days are worse, ” he lamented

He also commented that the lack of supervision by the municipal transit police also leads to more traffic jams. In addition to private cars and motorcycles, large tractor trailer trucks crowd the lanes and cause delays.

“There is patrol car posted by the sinkhole but I have never seen the police managing the flow of traffic,” he said

María Cumi, an employee of a resort located on highway 307 remarked that traffic has been congested since the sinkhole first appeared.

“My brother in law told me the traffic has been like this for two years. I have to travel from Cancun every day,” Cumi said.

She added that the vehicular chaos begins around 8:30am and continues last 6:30pm as that is the departure time of the resort employees.

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FONATUR estimates that the traffic congestions will continue until the first sage of the Tren Maya is complete in approximately 45 days.

They added that to alleviate the traffic for tourists, Circuit 3 will be built which will be four lanes of highway stretching between the area where the resort property Vidanta is located and the current location of the sinkhole.

Source: Por Esto