A young student in a white shirt and shorts interacts with teachers and classmates in a colorful classroom setting with educational decorations on the walls.

“Cozumel Schools Go Green with Ecology Initiative”

The "Ecology in your School" initiative is designed to increase environmental awareness among students. The program encourages the separation of solid waste and discusses topics such as the vulnerability of water systems and the variety of local plant and animal life. The aim is to spread knowledge about island ecosystems and ecosystem services across all educational levels. Schools including the "Pablo Neruda" kindergarten and the "José Vasconcelos" and "Octavio Paz" technical secondary schools, have already participated in these educational sessions.

These sessions are delivered by experts in environmental education and are designed to be engaging and enjoyable. They highlight issues such as solid waste management, the lifespan of landfills, and the importance of waste separation. Additionally, they promote responsible consumption habits and the principles of a circular economy.

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