Two individuals cleaning up seaweed from a sandy beach with the ocean in the background and another person in the distance.

Seaweed Surge Threatens Cozumel’s Tourist Beaches

Cozumel has been facing an unusual surge in seaweed accumulation in 2024, with increasing difficulty in timely removal. Over 500 tons of this macroalgae, primarily from the island's eastern region, have been collected since the start of the year.

This increase is particularly noticeable along the eastern coast of Cozumel, impacting popular tourist spots like Mezcalitos, Chen Río, Punta Morena, San Martin, Playa Bonita, and Playa Bosh. These beaches, famous for their sandy expanses and easy access, have seen a drop in tourist numbers due to the seaweed buildup, posing a significant deterrent for visitors.

The Federal Maritime Terrestrial Zone (Zofemat) crew in Cozumel works six days a week to clear the seaweed, averaging a daily collection of 10 to 11 tons. A team of 16, including both men and women, manually gathers the seaweed along the coast, as the terrain's shape prevents the use of machinery.

The seaweed influx in 2024 is considerably higher than in 2023. From January to July the previous year, just over 300 tons were collected, while this year's count has already exceeded 500 tons, as per local authorities.

The unusual surge is primarily attributed to the quantity and type of hydrometeorological phenomena in the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic. Ocean currents also contribute to the seaweed buildup on Cozumel's eastern coast. Although there's no fixed prediction for this year's seaweed volume, an increase is expected due to heightened meteorological activity in the Atlantic and the island's geographic position.

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The seaweed influx in Cozumel poses a significant challenge for both tourism and the local community. The efforts of Zofemat, coupled with potential additional staffing, are critical in tackling this issue and reducing its impact on the island's stunning beaches.