An older woman seated in a blue chair wearing a traditional blouse talks with a smiling man sitting beside her, while another woman stands to her left looking on.

Diego Castañón’s Plan for Economic Boost in Tulum’s Francisco Uh May

Residents of the Mayan community, Francisco Uh May, located in Tulum's transition zone, have warmly welcomed Diego Castañón Trejo. Castañón Trejo is the Sigamos Haciendo Historia coalition's candidate for the municipal presidency, and he has confirmed their support for the upcoming election on June 2nd.

Castañón Trejo has spent time listening to the locals and artisans of the area, establishing a plan of action to facilitate the second phase of the fourth transformation. This plan includes proposals to diversify the economy by focusing on cultural and entertainment tourism, which could lead to increased growth and development opportunities.

Castañón Trejo stressed the importance of promoting tourism in the Mayan and transition zones. This initiative will be supported by significant investments from the Morena government, such as the new airport, the Maya Train, and the Jaguar Park. These projects are expected to create more economic opportunities for everyone in the area.

Castañón Trejo has also proposed a comprehensive agreement with the residents. If he is elected as the municipal president on June 2nd, he plans to bring about significant improvements to Tulum.

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