Satellite image of Hurricane Alberto approaching Mexico with details on impact date and states affected mentioned in a social media post.

“Hurricane Rumors Debunked: No Storm Threatens Quintana Roo Coast”

The Early Warning and Monitoring Center of the Civil Protection Secretariat in Solidaridad has dismissed rumors of an impending hurricane hitting the coast of Quintana Roo. The center confirmed that there are currently no tropical waves in the Atlantic waters that could potentially evolve into a hurricane.

Antonio Morales Ocaña, a municipal meteorologist, noted that there has been misinformation circulating about a hurricane named "Alberto". This name does indeed belong to this year's list of potential hurricane names. However, Ocaña assured that these reports are completely false. He stated that it is not yet the season for such weather phenomena, and there are no signs of any tropical or "eastern" waves, which are often precursors to hurricanes, in the Atlantic waters.

Ocaña urged the public to only trust information from official sources, such as Conagua, the Hurricane Center, and Civil Protection. He warned against paying attention to the dissemination of false information.

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