Three individuals in business casual attire walk alongside a street under renovation with historical buildings in the background under a clear sky.

“Mérida’s 60th Street Revitalization: A Tourist’s Paradise in the Making!”

The last stages of construction are being completed on the Tourist and Gastronomic Corridor on 60th Street in Mérida. This project, overseen by Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal, is part of a broader effort to rejuvenate Mérida's Historic Center and stimulate tourism and economic growth in the region.

Governor Vila Dosal recently toured the area, starting at 53rd Street and 60th, where he also inspected the ongoing renovation of the Grand Plaza. The project is progressing as planned and aims to revitalize this part of the city and enhance its appeal to tourists.

During his tour, the Governor was accompanied by Mérida's Mayor, Alejandro Ruz Castro, and the head of the Ministry of Public Works, Aref Karam Espósitos. They walked along 60th Street, observing the street and sidewalk rehabilitation work, as well as the urban image improvement efforts being carried out by construction crews.

Upon reaching the Grand Plaza, the Governor, along with Virgilio Crespo Méndez, director-general of the Institute for the Construction and Conservation of Public Works in Yucatán (Inccopy), confirmed the ongoing work aimed at enhancing the plaza's tourist appeal.

This project also aims to integrate the works of the Tourist and Gastronomic Corridor being carried out on 47th and 60th Street in the same area. The goal is to create more suitable, comfortable, and safe spaces for pedestrians that are accessible to all users.

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The roads surrounding the Grand Plaza are being adapted to establish a single level for the pedestrian area and the vehicle area, prioritizing pedestrian movement and implementing restrictions to reduce motor vehicle traffic.

The plans for this area include a pedestrian passage zone, a vehicular zone with reduced speed limits, and a mixed-use zone. The project will also create more green spaces and rest areas, improve lighting, and install urban furniture. The total investment for this project is estimated at 137.5 million pesos.

The Grand Plaza remodeling project also includes planting 80 new trees, effectively doubling the current number of trees in the area.

The aim is to create an architectural design that transforms the public image of one of Mérida's most important areas, making it more pedestrian-friendly and enhancing the experience for visitors, businesses, and local users.

The Tourist and Gastronomic Corridor in the Historic Center will connect the Grand Plaza, Santa Lucía Park, Santa Ana Park, and the Great La Plancha Park in a safe, accessible, and sustainable manner. The State Government is responsible for the section starting from 60th Street, at the corner of the Grand Plaza, to Santa Ana Park and another section on 47th, between 60th and 56th, including the roundabout at the end of Paseo de Montejo.