A person participating in a recycling program by placing a plastic bottle in a recycling bin with a circular sign that reads "GestiĂłn Integral de Residuos SĂłlidos Canjeables"

🌍 Eco-friendly Revolution in Cancún: Get Involved in Recycling Now!

The Benito Juarez City Council, through the Integrated Solid Waste Solutions (Siresol), is championing recycling efforts in CancĂşn. Their aim is to reaffirm their dedication to environmental care and conservation. They are encouraging participation from local authorities, the private sector, and particularly the residents of Benito Juarez. The goal is to reduce environmental impact and raise ecological awareness.

As part of these efforts, a collection and recycling event for reusable solid waste was held at San Angel Park in Superblock 50. Local residents turned out in force to drop off their recyclable items. They also planted pink kalanchoe plants and children painted wooden boards with messages about environmental conservation.

Siresol organizes recycling activities in CancĂşn every month. They establish Neighborhood Environmental Committees and provide training on the correct handling of recyclable materials. During collection days, residents can hand over recyclable waste such as PET and plastics, cardboard and paper, glass (bottles, colored), tetrapack, and aluminum.

These initiatives take place across various districts within the municipality. The aim is to foster positive habits in waste generation, classification, separation, and appropriate handling. To maximize the benefits of these activities, the training sessions are divided into three stages: Training and Orientation, Supervision and Handling, and Collection and Utilization.

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Through these actions, the municipal government is promoting recycling practices in CancĂşn that are beneficial to the environment. They are fostering a responsible community and encouraging children and young people to participate in conserving natural spaces through environmental education.