An older woman in a floral blouse talking to a man in a maroon shirt in a shop environment, with kitchen appliances around them and other people in the background.

Boost Cozumel’s Economy: José Luis Chacón’s Vision!

José Luis Chacón Méndez, a candidate for the municipal presidency of Cozumel, is committed to stimulating the local economy and preserving the island's rich history. As part of his campaign, he promises to promote overnight tourism and celebrate the region's cultural heritage.

During a recent walk through downtown Cozumel, Chacón Méndez conversed with local business owners, promising to encourage overnight tourism that would directly benefit the local economy. "Our aim is to ensure that every tourist who visits us makes a positive impact on Cozumel's economy, enjoying and contributing to our local commerce," he explained.

Cozumel, renowned for its heavy cruise ship traffic and as the second busiest municipality in terms of passenger traffic through its international airport, is keen to translate this popularity into tangible benefits for its residents. "We need to make sure that the wealth brought by visitors benefits our local community. This can be achieved by extending business hours downtown and encouraging longer stays," Chacón Méndez added.

In addition to economic growth, Chacón Méndez emphasized the importance of acknowledging and revitalizing Cozumel's cultural heritage. He proposed initiatives to strengthen connections with long-standing families and preserve local traditions. "Recognizing and valuing our history is crucial to maintaining our unique identity as a magical town," he highlighted.

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The community's response to Chacón Méndez's proposals has been overwhelmingly positive. Many residents have expressed their support for his commitment to addressing their needs. As his campaign progresses, José Luis Chacón continues to attract supporters with his pragmatic approach and clear dedication to the welfare and advancement of Cozumel.