Image of a police station building with 'POLICIA' sign, located beside a large tree on a sunny day, with a blue bench in the foreground.

Disturbing Safety Concerns at Playa del Carmen Park

Children aged between 7 and 11 have voiced concerns about safety issues at Lázaro Cárdenas park in Playa del Carmen. They report being followed and intimidated by men exhibiting inappropriate behavior, leading to a sense of insecurity. The absence of police patrols in the area has reportedly allowed such incidents to occur without hindrance.

Parents of these children, who work as vendors in the park, have also raised concerns. They have observed individuals using the park's secluded areas as public restrooms, and witnessed fights between intoxicated and drug-influenced men. The community is growing increasingly worried due to the lack of action taken to address the escalating violence and insecurity in the park.

The children's report underscores the urgent need for improved safety in public recreational spaces. It's crucial to put effective measures in place to protect minors and ensure they can enjoy a safe and threat-free environment.

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