Governor Mara Lezama Leads Quintana Roo in Glorious Independence Day Celebration

A woman in traditional attire speaking at a podium with a microphone, holding a national flag, flanked by individuals in casual attire, with soldiers in the background.

Over 17,000 people joined Governor Mara Lezama Espinosa for the Independence Day celebrations held at the Government Palace and the Civic Plaza of the Flag. The night was filled with patriotic spirit and enthusiasm.

Before the main event, the residents of Chetumal enjoyed a local fair set up along the walkway, the kiosk, and the esplanade leading to the Flag. They also took part in a cultural festival called Mexican Nights.

Just before 11 PM, Governor Lezama led the Cry of Independence ceremony, marking its 214th anniversary. Like the previous year, she invited families from Chetumal to join her on the main balcony for this special night. Lezama's leadership style puts the people and the community at the heart of her government's decisions, promoting inclusivity and progress with a feminist perspective.

The ceremony included the Honors to the Flag, performed by marching bands from various organizations and schools, and an escort from the 34th Military Zone, National Guard, and 17th Naval Zone. The municipal president, Yensunni Martínez Hernández, read the "Feelings of the Nation" document, authored by the Servant of the Nation, José María Morelos y Pavón.

After the reading, Governor Lezama, joined by her family, military officials, and state and municipal representatives, waved the Flag and rang the bell, leading the crowd in a patriotic chant. The chant honored the heroes of Mexican independence, celebrated women, humanism with a feminist heart, the state of Quintana Roo, and Mexico.

The event concluded with a light show and a performance by the group K-Paz de la Sierra. The residents of Quintana Roo enthusiastically participated in the memorable Independence Day celebration.

Joining the Governor on the main balcony were several notable figures, including the president of the Governing Board and Political Coordination of the State Congress, deputy Jorge A. Sanen Cervantes; the president of the Superior Court of Justice, magistrate Heyden Cebada Rivas; the Commander of the 34th Military Zone, Brigadier General DEM Fidel Mondragón Rivero; Commander of the 17th Naval Zone, Vice Admiral AN. PA. DEM José Luis Tlatelpa Castillo; the state coordinator of the National Guard, Commissioner José Luis Martínez Rojas; the honorary president of the Quintana Roo DIF System, Verónica Lezama Espinosa; the Secretary of Government, Cristina Torres Gómez, and the municipal president Yensunni Martínez Hernández.

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