A group of people walking on a city street with overcast weather conditions, some vehicles parked on the side of the road, and a desaturated color palette.

Mayan Train Suppliers Strike: Chaos on Highways

United Transporters, the suppliers of basalt rock for the Mayan Train project, have declared a national strike and blocked key highways due to non-payment of 90 million pesos. This includes access routes to Mexico City and the Mérida-Cancún (Chichén Itzá) toll booth. The strike began at 8:00 AM, as suppliers protested the lack of compensation for five months of operation.

The protest significantly disrupted vehicle traffic due to the closures of both lanes on the Mexico-Puebla and Mexico-Pachuca highways. The La Antigua toll booth at the entrance to Veracruz Port was also blocked. These blockades had a considerable economic impact on the transport sector, exacerbating the financial difficulties already faced by the transporters.

Approximately 30 trailer-type cargo units were positioned at strategic points, including the Amozoc toll booth. The National Guard intervened at this location to ensure security and allow passage for emergency vehicles only. While blockades on routes such as Mexico-Querétaro and Mexico-Cuernavaca were eventually lifted, the protesters maintained their stance in other key areas. Their protest received widespread support on social media, with calls for transparency in government projects and economic justice.

The strike aims to resolve economic demands and highlight the importance of equitable and transparent regional development. The transporters hope for a swift and satisfactory resolution for both parties. Mary Flores, spokesperson for United Transporters, clarified that the protest was not against the Mayan Train project itself, but against the government's lack of response to their demands. "We are fully willing to negotiate with the Federal Government," she stated.

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The use of basalt rock in the federal railway construction has been a topic of debate. Its practical applications in concrete, asphalt, and sound insulation make it a vital material in civil engineering. However, its extraction and transport must be managed carefully to minimize adverse effects.