A man with a microphone gesturing while speaking at a rally with an audience in the background.

Mayoral Candidate Diego Castañón Unveils Proposals for Education, Security, and Sports in Tulum

Diego Castañón Trejo, a mayoral candidate for Tulum, has unveiled his plans for the areas of education, security, and sports promotion. He promises that, if elected, he will invest in these three sectors to enhance the lives of Tulum's residents.

During a press conference, Castañón, the municipal president candidate from the "Let's Keep Making History in Quintana Roo" coalition, outlined some of the projects he hopes to implement in the ninth municipality.

"In education, we aim to uphold social justice, ensuring that young people have the right to study. To this end, we will provide more sports and academic scholarships and offer professional development for our teachers. They are the ones shaping and educating our students, and we want them to be well-equipped to foster successful students, who are the future of this municipality," stated Castañón.

In addition to scholarships for students and teacher training, Castañón plans to construct a sports facility to encourage physical activity among the community. "We will continue to promote sports as it's crucial for health, discipline, and leading a healthier lifestyle for people of all ages. We will build a new sports facility and create more spaces for sports activities," he added.

Castañón emphasized the importance of providing all residents with a space to exercise, whether it be for zumba classes, volleyball, or basketball.

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On the topic of peacebuilding, Castañón proposed investing in the municipality's security. Initial plans include purchasing and installing surveillance cameras, underlining the need for a long-term vision as Tulum transitions from a town to a growing, developing city.

"We plan to purchase 500 cameras and heavily invest in technology and intelligence, which is crucial as we are now a city, not just a town. As such, we need to have a long-term vision," said Castañón.

Castañón also pledged to provide training for police officers, ensuring they all pass their control and trust examinations.

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