Three modern commuter trains parked at a train station, platforms visible with safety warning tracks.

Security Boost: National Guard Barracks Set for Mayan Train Stations

Mexico's President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has announced plans to build National Guard barracks at each of the 34 Mayan Train stations. The announcement was made on Monday, April 29, and is part of a broader security initiative for the region.

In addition to the barracks, the Mayan Train will also be monitored by helicopter patrols. This is part of a larger effort to bolster security in some of the southern states of Mexico. The President emphasized that the goal is to ensure the safety of all visitors to the region.

The President also reported a recent incident during the construction of one of the train sections, where an engineer was kidnapped. The engineer was traveling with his family when the incident occurred. Immediate action was taken and the engineer was subsequently released. This incident underscores the importance of the planned security measures.

Currently, 20 out of the 34 Mayan Train stations are operational. These include Palenque, Boca del Cerro, Tenosique, El Triunfo, Candelaria, Escárcega, Carrillo Puerto, Edzna, San Francisco de Campeche, Tenabo, Hecelchakán, Calkini, Maxcanú, Umán, Teya Mérida, Tixkokob, Izamal, Chichén-Itzá, Valladolid, Nuevo Xcán, Leona Vicario, Cancún Airport, Puerto Morelos, and Playa del Carmen. The construction of the remaining stations, which include Tulum, Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Limones-Chacchoben, Bacalar, Nicolás B.-Konhunlich, Calakmul and Centenario, is still underway.