A pickup truck emitting a large cloud of fumigation smoke on a street at night under dim lighting conditions.

Don’t Miss Out! Latest Updates on Dengue Prevention in Yucatan

The Yucatan Health Department is set to continue its preventative measures against dengue, zika, and chikungunya. Between July 22 and 26, fumigation operations will be carried out in various municipalities across the state.

Carlos Isaac Hernandez Fuentes, the Director of Prevention and Health Protection, outlined the schedule for the fumigation efforts. On Monday, July 22, the municipal head of Dzilam de Bravo, Santa Clara, Chabihau, and San Crisanto will be fumigated, along with the police stations of Dzidzantún, Yobaín, and Sinanché. The municipal headquarters of Telchac Puerto, Tixcacalcupul, and Oxkutzcab will also be treated.

On Tuesday 23, the brigades will operate in Progreso, Chicxulub Puerto, Pisté, Tinum, and Oxkutzcab. The work will continue on Wednesday 24 in Progreso, Yucalpetén, Chelem, Yaxcabá, and Tekax. On Thursday 25, the focus will be on Chelem, Chuburná Puerto, Celestún, Temozón, and Tekax. Finally, on Friday, July 26, operations will take place in Sisal, Hunucmá, and Uayma.

The public is urged to assist by maintaining clean yards and eliminating containers that could collect water, which are potential breeding grounds for the mosquitoes that transmit these diseases. The Health Department also discourages the disposal of garbage and waste in street corners to avoid sanitary issues.

Earlier this year, the department carried out a series of preventative measures including larval control in 243,644 homes, fumigation of 12,682 hectares, and household fumigation in 5,162 homes.

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Dengue, a tropical disease transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, is a particular concern. These mosquitoes lay eggs in containers with stagnant water, such as buckets, tires, and flower pots. Rainwater can increase the risk of mosquito breeding, so the public is advised to be vigilant about eliminating potential breeding grounds.

There are four types of dengue virus, meaning a person can contract the disease up to four times in their lifetime. In Yucatan, types 1 and 2 are the most common, but the introduction of serotype 3 increases the risk of infection. Prevention is key, and the public is encouraged to use repellent, install mosquito nets, use household insecticides, and follow government campaigns.

Hernandez Fuentes emphasized that factors such as climate and individual immune responses can influence the risk of contracting these diseases, making prevention and community cooperation crucial in the fight against dengue.