A group of people with raised fists, smiling and celebrating, possibly at a public event or rally

“$ Only 44 Out of 600 Civil Organizations in Quintana Roo Qualify for Tax-Deductible Donations $”

In Quintana Roo, only 44 out of over 600 registered civil organizations are eligible to receive tax-deductible donations. This means they have the ability to take in these donations and use them for community benefit through their various programs.

This information was shared by Octavio Rivero Gual, director of the Cozumel Foundation. He highlighted that organizations authorized to receive donations have stricter regulations and higher compliance levels compared to those that are not.

Gual was speaking at a city hotel during the Forum on Challenges and Perspectives of Civil Organizations 2024. He acknowledged that increasing the number of organizations that can receive donations is a significant challenge in the state.

"It's difficult to allocate resources to an organization that isn't authorized to receive donations and lacks accountability processes. That's why it's crucial to expand the number of authorized donation receivers," Gual explained.

He noted that most organizations in the state struggle with limited resources to implement their projects. He stressed the importance of these organizations strengthening and diversifying their funding sources, rather than relying solely on public funds or certain companies and foundations.

"We need to diversify by organizing collections, round-ups, raffles, and draws. We should also aim to gradually build a heritage that generates financial products," he emphasized.

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Gual warned that organizations relying solely on government resources are likely to disappear in the future, as they haven't developed diverse strategies for resource generation.

He explained that civil organizations are typically established in response to a need or problem identified within the community they aim to serve. Most of these organizations operate in the welfare and social development sector, focusing on areas such as elderly care, support for children with autism, and promoting good nutrition.