A bulldozer on a landfill site, surrounded by scattered trash and debris under an overcast sky

Playa del Carmen Hit by Heavy Rains: Landfill Inspection in Jeopardy

Playa del Carmen has experienced significant damage due to recent heavy rainfall. In response, local authorities have begun surveying various areas for potential harm.

Members of the Solidaridad City Council, including councilor Gabriel Mendicuti Loría of the Environmental and Animal Protection Committee, are scheduled to inspect the city's landfill soon. The purpose of the visit is to determine whether the landfill has suffered any damage due to the weather conditions.

"Although we expect some impact, our last inspection four to five months ago revealed that the landfill was in good condition and well-prepared for such contingencies," said Mendicuti Loría. He also praised the landfill's management, despite ongoing issues with waste separation.

"Unfortunately, waste separation has not been achieved as planned. As a result, all types of waste, both organic and inorganic, continue to accumulate in the landfill. However, the management of leachates and other waste has been handled well," he noted.

Mendicuti Loría also highlighted the successful separation of sargasso, a type of seaweed, in Playa del Carmen. The sargasso no longer ends up in the landfill and is instead collected at three or four designated points.

"I'm amazed that 90 to 95 percent of the collected sargasso becomes sand. We've seen this in action with the recovery of our beaches. If we can learn from this experience and manage it properly, we could have thousands of cubic meters of sand to reintegrate back into our beaches," he said.

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In conclusion, Mendicuti Loría urged Playa del Carmen residents to recycle as much as possible. He suggested reducing the use of plastic-packaged products, recycling bags, and using napkins to carry tortillas, among other environmentally-friendly actions.