A smiling man wearing a straw hat and a white embroidered shirt standing in front of ancient ruins with a dry forest landscape and a bird flying in the sky in the background

President AMLO Explores Restored Mayan Sites! 🌿

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador recently shared on social media that he has visited two archaeological sites, Edzná and Ek Balam. These ancient Mayan cities are currently being restored by the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH).

The President's visit was part of a supervision tour along the route of the Mayan Train, which stretches from Palenque, Chiapas, to Cancún, Quintana Roo. This journey allowed him to inspect the ongoing restoration work and the operation of the train.

In addition to the site visits, President López Obrador also held a bilateral meeting with the Prime Minister of Belize, Juan Antonio Briceño. The President referred to Belize as a neighboring country and a brotherly nation in his social media post.

He wrote: "Yesterday we were in Edzná and today in Ek Balam, two majestic Mayan cities that we are restoring. We took the tour on the Mayan Train from Palenque to Cancún; we supervised its operation and finished a bilateral meeting with Juan Antonio Briceño, prime minister of Belize, neighboring country and brotherly people.”

The President's post, including a photo from his visit, can be found on his official Twitter account: [https://twitter.com/lopezobrador_/status/1789472757635576284?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw].

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