Traffic scene at dusk with multiple vehicles, including police trucks and motorcycles with flashing lights, and an officer directing traffic.


Protestors have shut down a major roadway in Cancún over allegations of a scam involving a company accused of stealing their savings. The streets remain blocked in Cancún as the situation continues.

Dana López, an activist supported by the Searching Mothers of Quintana Roo, is leading the protest. They have blocked Bonampak Avenue at Uxmal due to accusations of fraud against the company Colocadora Compartamos. The protestors claim that they had their savings stored with the company, but their money has now disappeared. Despite complaints to the State Attorney General's Office (FGE), no action has been taken.

The victims allege that hundreds of people could have lost money, with individual amounts starting from 10,000 pesos. As anomalies began to appear, some victims reported the fraud to the FGE.

The protestors had hoped for swift action from the authorities to prevent the alleged fraudsters from fleeing. However, when they visited the company's facilities on Tuesday, they found the place empty with only torn contracts remaining.

Frustrated with the slow response from the FGE, the victims decided to block the busy route outside the offices. They are waiting for authorities to help them locate the company managers and recover their money. Representatives from Benito Juárez City Hall arrived on the scene but left shortly after, stating that the matter was not their responsibility.

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Currently, the protestors are in discussions with representatives from the FGE. However, no agreement has been reached to reopen the highway. The situation remains ongoing as the activists continue to expose the alleged fraud in Cancún.