People participating in a community cleanup, carrying items out of a building marked "PRIMOV".

Government Seizes Riviera Maya Development Co. – What’s Next?

The Quintana Roo Government, under the leadership of Governor Mara Lezama Espinosa, has announced that it is taking steps to regain control of the Riviera Maya Development Company (Derimaya). This move comes after Derimaya withdrew from a protection lawsuit against the Ministry of Agrarian and Urban Territorial Development (SEDATU), which was related to the reintegration of 1,200 hectares in the Luis Donaldo Colosio district in Solidaridad. The decision to reassert control over Derimaya is driven by the need to rectify the mismanagement of these lands.

In the first step towards regularisation, on July 19th of this year, all historical documentation related to Derimaya was formally handed over to the Quintana Roo State Government. The documents were transferred through the Legal Counsel, the Secretariat of the Comptroller's Office, and the Secretariat of Sustainable Urban Territorial Development. This is one of the initial actions taken by the Luis Donaldo Colosio Regularization Committee, demonstrating the commitment of the Federation and the State Government to regularise lands for the benefit and peace of mind of 4,000 families in Solidaridad.

The Quintana Roo Government has reaffirmed its commitment to the families of the Luis Donaldo Colosio district, who have been waiting for over 30 years to achieve social justice for their heritage. This is part of the New Agreement for the Wellbeing and Development of Quintana Roo, championed by Governor Mara Lezama.