“Life-Saving Training for Primary Students in Quintana Roo! Red Cross Steps Up for Safety”

The Red Cross has announced plans to offer accident prevention training to fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students in Quintana Roo. The initiative aims to reduce the number of risk incidents among children. The announcement was made during a donation event by the Hotel Association of Cancun, Puerto Morelos, and Isla Mujeres.

The Red Cross, in collaboration with the state government, will provide training to all primary schools in the state. Both students and teaching staff will be trained. The children will learn about accident prevention, while the teachers will receive first aid training. The goal is to ensure everyone knows what to do in case of an emergency situation at school or at home.

The training will run from now until December. The aim is to reach as many teachers and students as possible. The focus is on teaching children about risk situations they should avoid, how to behave, and how to safely cross the street. The training is conducted through an interactive workshop that includes videos and a booklet. The workshop lasts for a full morning. In parallel, teachers, administrative staff, and some parents will receive training on how to respond in an emergency, including how to activate emergency services and how to provide initial care.

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Each school will also receive a first aid kit. These kits contain the basic supplies needed to provide initial care in an emergency, while waiting for professional emergency services to arrive. The training and supplies will help the school community respond effectively to common incidents like falls, cuts, and scrapes.