“Alcohol Ban Threatens Restaurant Industry! Will Sales Plummet?”

People dining in a busy restaurant with visible kitchen area and cozy ambiance

The restaurant industry is preparing for a potential 20 percent hit to business as a result of a temporary alcohol ban this weekend. Industry representatives argue that the ban will not affect election day proceedings, but they will nonetheless adhere to it.

Julio Villarreal Zapata, president of the National Chamber of the Restaurant and Seasoned Food Industry (Canirac) in Quintana Roo and Cancun, expressed concern over the ban. He highlighted that the prohibition on selling alcoholic beverages could discourage patrons from dining out. He said, "Customers may avoid certain places because they enjoy pairing their meals with a beer or a glass of red wine."

Despite their disagreement with the ban, restaurants will comply with the temporary suspension of alcohol sales, even though it could lead to losses of up to 20 percent. This is particularly significant given that the ban falls over a weekend.

The Ministry of Finance and Planning (Sefiplan) recently announced the ban, which begins at the first minute of Saturday, June 1, and lasts until 23:59 on June 2. The aim is to maintain order during election day.

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