A palapa-roofed structure on a sandy beach with an unfinished concrete building in the background, and hammocks and kayaks nearby

Controversial Solimán Bay Development Seeks Environmental Approval

The commercial entity behind a development project that began without the necessary environmental permits has now submitted an environmental impact assessment to the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat).

Despite causing significant damage to the coastal ecosystem, the developers of the Adamar Solimán condos are now seeking regulatory approval. The assessment is part of an effort to meet the administrative requirements outlined in document PFPA/29.3/2C.27.5/011-2024, issued by the Federal Attorney's Office for Environmental Protection (Profepa) on June 5th.

The developers admit that construction began without the necessary environmental impact permits. However, work on the seven-story building in Solimán Bay, located in the municipality of Tulum, continues despite precautionary measures taken against it.

The civil group, Defending the Right to a Healthy Environment (Dmas), has filed indirect amparo lawsuits to safeguard natural resources in this situation. Despite these legal actions, real estate agents continue to advertise the sale of the Adamar Solimán property on various social media platforms.

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