Night scene with emergency vehicles, including a police truck and an ambulance, with red and blue lights flashing.

Shockingly, 12-Year-Old Girl’s Tragic Suicide in Playa del Carmen

A 12-year-old girl tragically ended her own life in her family home in Playa del Carmen. The incident occurred in the Luis Donaldo Colosio neighborhood, where the girl was found dead in her bathroom.

A distressing call to 911 reported the incident. The caller, an uncle of the girl, reported that she had hanged herself in the bathroom of their residence on 54th Street, nestled between 30th and 35th avenues.

Public Safety officers were the first to arrive at the scene. They confirmed the tragic event and immediately alerted the State Attorney General's Office. This notification allows the Public Ministry to initiate the necessary legal proceedings in response to the incident.

At this time, the circumstances that led the young girl to make such a devastating decision remain unknown. This marks the second minor in Playa del Carmen to have taken their own life in June 2024 alone.

This tragic event follows the recent discovery of a man's body in the church of Our Lady of Guadalupe, also located in the Luis Donaldo Colosio neighborhood. He, too, had taken his own life. The growing number of suicides in the region of Solidaridad is a cause for concern, as it indicates a troubling trend.

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