“Escape to Cozumel: The Rise of Digital Nomads in Paradise”

COZUMEL, MX.- The rise in remote work has led to an increase in "digital nomads" – people who work via the internet and are in search of beach destinations where they can work and relax. This emerging market could be a boon for tourist destinations like Cozumel, according to Franco González Alcérreca, president of the Accommodation Association of Downtown Cozumel.

Digital nomads typically seek out tranquil locations that offer necessary services, allowing them to work remotely while being just steps away from the beach or local cuisine. "These individuals are working, but they aren't confined to traditional office spaces," González Alcérreca explained. He believes that downtown hotels could be an attractive option for this demographic, potentially becoming a significant market due to their extended stays.

However, González Alcérreca acknowledged that this summer, downtown occupancy rates are projected to be significantly lower than last year, with estimates below 40%. This is based on the number of bookings received so far. Therefore, he emphasized the importance of promoting overnight tourism and exploring other sectors, such as the wedding industry and the digital nomad market.

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