Emergency personnel and a vehicle at a nighttime scene with red and blue lights reflecting off surfaces

Severe Drought Leaves Mexican Community in Crisis

The community of Aguada la Presumida is facing a severe water crisis due to an extreme drought. The local water holes, which have been used by residents for years, have completely dried up. This has sparked concern among the community members.

Juan Luis Caamal Segura, a resident of the community, revealed that all ten of their water holes have dried up due to a lack of rainfall. "The water disappeared quickly because there was no timely rainfall. Now, we don't even have water to drink from there. There's also a shortage of drinking water, so we're conserving what little we have," he explained.

Segura reminisced that for 25 years, all the residents relied on these natural water sources. However, now they are completely dry. This has led to wild animals encroaching on population centers and crops in search of water and food.

"I believe the situation will continue to worsen, as the drought intensifies each year," Segura predicted. He added that the community is worried as they lack irrigation zones, leading them to anticipate a food shortage.

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