A person pouring water from a bottle onto their face with trees and a bright sun in the background

“Yucatán Schools Defy Heatwave: Why Are They Staying Open?”

Despite temperatures soaring above 40 degrees in Yucatán, state officials have not considered closing schools due to the intense heat. This was confirmed by Mauricio Sauri Vivas, the director of the Yucatán Health Department (SSY).

Vivas explained that, unlike other regions in Mexico that have switched to remote learning due to a heatwave that has been ongoing for over a week, the idea of suspending school in Yucatán due to extreme heat has not been proposed.

The SSY is actively working with schools and universities, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education (Segey) and the Ministry of Research, Innovation, and Higher Education (SIIES). Their goal is to provide necessary resources to teachers and parents to help manage the heat and avoid any complications it may cause.

Vivas also addressed concerns about power outages, which have been a recurring issue in Yucatán in recent years. He assured that these outages have not impacted the operation of any public or state hospitals. In the event of a power outage, each hospital has emergency power plants that would be activated to prevent any complications.

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